Adobe Photoshop Window Menu

Adobe Photoshop Window Menu

Use this menu to change what you see in Photoshop. It lets you arrange your open documents, view or hide panels, and so on.

Available Submenu in Window Menu


This submenu has commands for organizing your open document windows. From here, you can do things like open and close panels, set the same magnification level across all your documents, minimize windows, and bring all your documents in front of other windows.


The items in this submenu rearrange Photoshop’s panels, menus, and tools to make it easier to perform certain tasks like painting or working with text. Page 18 explains workspaces and why you may want to use them.


Look here for a list of the Photoshop extensions installed on your machine, like the collaborative, online color-scheme generator called Kuler.


Choose this item to make Photoshop display the 3D panel.

Note: The 3D panel is included only in Photoshop CS5 Extended, so you won’t see this menu item if you have the standard version of the program.


Choose this option to open the Actions panel, where you can see a list of the actions that came with Photoshop, along with those you’ve created yourself. You can also use this panel to manage actions.


This panel lets you add and tweak Adjustment layers that you can use to nondestructively alter your image’s color and lighting.


When you select this item, Photoshop displays the animation timeline and editing panel.


This panel lets you select and edit Photoshop’s built-in brushes, as well as brushes you’ve created yourself. Chapter 12 tells you more than you ever wanted to know about the Brush panel.

Brush Presets

New in Photoshop CS5, this panel lets you view a painting sample, edit, and store your own customized settings for brushes.


This panel shows the different color channels contained in your document.


The Character panel is where you can find all sorts of settings for working with text.

Clone Source

This panel groups together settings for using the Clone tools.


Use this panel to view and change your foreground and background colors.


This panel includes a graph (called a histogram) that shows you information about the pixels in your image. Turn to page 390 in Chapter 9 to learn how to read histograms.


The History panel displays a timeline of the edits you’ve made to the current document. It also shows what the image looked like last time you saved it and lets you restore the image to any previous state.


This panel includes info about where your cursor is, the color of the pixels it’s hovering over, and the size of your current selection (if you have one).

Layer Comps

Use this panel to view and organize groups of layers you can use to show different versions of your image in a single document.


You can add, delete, and organize your document’s layers from this panel.


New in Photoshop CS5, this panel lets you add or edit a layer mask.

Measurement Log

This is where you can see data collected by the Count too. This panel is available only in Photoshop CS5 Extended, so you won’t see it if you have the standard version of the program.


This panel lets you change how much you’re zoomed in on an image and which part of the image you’re viewing.


This panel lets you control the paragraph-wide settings for text in your documents.


You can keep track of all the paths in your image using this panel. You can also use it to change the stacking order of the paths as well as add and delete them.


You can use this panel to apply Photoshop’s built-in styles to your images, as well as create and save your own custom styles.


Here’s where you can view and pick colors from libraries of color chips. Photoshop includes a long list of popular libraries including several Pantone, Toyo, and Trumatch color groups.

Tool Presets

If you regularly use the same settings for a particular tool, use this panel to save them as a preset so you can use them again later. Chapter 1 has more about presets.

Application Frame

Mac users can choose this item to turn Photoshop CS5’s Application Frame on or off.

Application Bar

Mac users can show or hide Photoshop’s Application bar by selecting this item.

Note: The Application Frame and Application bar menu items don’t appear in the Windows version of


This menu item shows or hides the Options bar.


Choose this option to show or hide the Tools panel. You’ll work with this panel all the time, so you’ll probably want to leave it visible.

Open Documents

The bottom portion of the Window menu doesn’t actually have a label, but it’s where Photoshop lists all the documents you have open (they’re listed alphabetically).

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