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Adobe Indesign Guess Definition Quiz - Web and Graphics Quiz


Adobe Indesign Guess Definition Quiz

Welcome to your Adobe Indesign Guess Definition Quiz

Rectangular, oval, or polygonal shapes that you use for a variety of purposes" which option is correct for this definition

Page guides that define the interior borders of a document" which option is correct for this definition. Margin guides

"Screen mode in which all page elements, including margin guides, ruler guides, frame edges and the pasteboard are visible" which option is correct for this definition.

"Text or graphic elements such as images, blocks of colour and even simple lines that are placed in an InDesign document" which option is correct for this definition.

"The area surrounding the document" which option is correct for this definition.

"Screen mode in which all non-printing page elements are invisible" which option is correct for this definition

"Horizontal and vertical rules that you position anywhere in a layout as a reference for positioning elements" which option is correct for this definition.

"Measurement utilities positioned at the top and left sides of the pasteboard to help you align objects" which option is correct for this definition.

"Options for viewing documents, such as Preview, Normal, and Presentation modes" which option is correct for this definition.

. "Visual clues that appear automatically when you move objects in a document; smart guides provide information to help position objects precisely in relation to the page or other objects" which option is correct for this definition.

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