Adobe Photoshop Move Tool

Adobe Photoshop Move Tool

What is Move Tool?

When the move tool is chosen, click and also drag anywhere in the picture. By default, if an area is selected the selection will be moved, or else the entire layer will be moved. See the options bar for more options. Additionally, use your arrow keys to move the selection or layer in tiny increments. Hold down the Shift key to move in bigger increments.

Note: You can activate the move tool when another tool is selected by holding down the Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (Mac OS).

How to Use Move Tool?

The Move Tool moves/duplicates a selected photo area or layer.

  • In the Toolbox, choose the Move Tool
  • To move a layer while no image area is selected, hold down the left mouse button, drag and drop it (release the button).
  • To move a layer while some image area is selected, put the Move Tool outside the selection, after that drag and drop.
  • To move a selected area placed the Move Tool inside the selection, then drag and drop.
  • While the Move Tool is active, you could precisely move the selected area or layer (if none is selected) by using keyboard arrow keys.
  • To constrain movement (to move an object strictly horizontally or vertically) hold down [Shift] key while moving.
  • To duplicate a layer drag it with the Move Tool holding down [Alt] key
  • To duplicate a chosen area click on it with the Move Tool and drag it holding down [Alt] key
  • After you have actually moved/ copied the selection, the Move Tool move/ duplicates the selected area (not the whole layer), despite where the cursor is.
  • Right-click with the Move Tool on the image; there shows up a list of all layers that are not vacant in this spot. Click on a layer name to pick it.


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