Adobe Photoshop Ruler Tool
What is Ruler Tool?
The Ruler tool assists you setting photos or elements precisely. The Ruler tool determines the range between any types of 2 points in the work area. When you measure from one point to another, a nonprinting line is drawn, and the option bar as well as Info panel reveal the following to information:
- The beginning location (X and Y).
- The horizontal (W) and vertical (H) distances took a travel from the x as well as y axes.
- The angle measured relative to the axis (A).
- The overall length took a traveled (D1).
- The two lengths traveled (D1 and D2), when you utilize a protractor.
All measurements other than the angle are calculated in the unit of measure presently set in the Units & Rulers preference dialog box.
If your document has an existing measuring line, selecting the Ruler tool causes it to be shown.
How Use Ruler Tool
Measure between two points.
- Select the Ruler tool. (If the Ruler isn’t really visible, hold down the Eyedropper tool.).
- Drag from the beginning point to the ending point. Hold down the Shift key to constrain the tool to 45 ° increments.
- To create a protractor from an existing measuring line, Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS) at an angle from one end of the measuring line, or double-click the line and also drag. Hold back the Shift key to constrict the tool to multiples of 45°.
Edit a determining line.
- Select the Ruler tool.
- Do one of the following:
- To resize the line, drag one end of an existing measuring line.
- To move the line, position the pointer on the line away from either endpoint, as well as drag the line.
- To get rid of the line, put the pointer on the line away from either endpoint, or drag the line from the photo, or click clear in the tool options bar.
- To create a protractor from an existing measuring line, Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS) at an angle from one end of the measuring line, or double-click the line and also drag. Hold back the Shift key to constrict the tool to multiples of 45°.
Note: You could drag out a measure line on a picture feature that must be straight or vertical, and afterwards Choose Image > Image Rotation > Arbitrary. The appropriate angle of rotation needed to straighten out the photo is automatically become part of the Rotate Canvas dialog box.