Adobe Photoshop Line Tool

Adobe Photoshop Line Tool

What is Line Tool?

The line tool is utilized to draw straight lines on the canvas. It is pretty intuitive, you merely choose the line tool from the toolbox, click as soon as on the canvas to define the beginning point of your line then drag the computer mouse to specify the line prolonging from the beginning point.

The Line tool lets you draw lines by dragging from one point in the active file as well as releasing in another. You can draw lines at exact 45- or 90-degree angles by holding back the Shift Key as you drag. Select the Line tool, or if you currently have an additional drawing tool selected, you can select the Line tool from the toolbox. Then set up the Line tool utilizing the Options bar. It’s also a great idea to create the lines in a different layer. By doing this, once the lines have been drawn, it’s as very easy as choosing the Move tool and repositioning them where you desire them.

How to Use Line Tool?

The Line Tool creates line shapes as well as paths (shape outlines).

  1. In the Toolbox, pick the Line Tool.
  2. Select on the Options bar drawing mode: to produce vector shape layers click Shape layers button; to draw path(shape outlines) click Paths button; to create rasterized shapes in present layer click Fill up pixels.
  3. Set size of line in Weight field.
  4. Click alongside dropdown button on the Options bar to establish geometry choices.
  5. Pick shape color
  6. Drag on the image.
  7. To apply some special effect to developed shape layers, choose a style in Style picker (Choices bar).
  8. When creating paths, you can select add, subtract, intersect and exclude overlapping mode.
  9. Working in Fill pixels mode you could also In the Options bar, select opacity as well as blending mode.

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