Adobe Photoshop Magic Eraser Tool

Adobe Photoshop Magic Eraser Tool

What is Magic Eraser Tool?

When you click in a layer with the Magic Eraser tool, the tool changes all comparable pixels to transparent. If you’re working in a layer with locked transparency, the pixels change to the background color. If you click the background, it is converted to a layer and all similar pixels changes to transparent.

The magic eraser tool functions like the paint bucket tool in reverse. It can be used to erase surrounding or ‘comparable’ pixels, based on the pixel color value where you click. It’s an extremely basic ‘one-shot’ tool as well as you need to probably avoid utilizing it if you could since the background eraser offers more flexible control over just how the pixels are deleted.

How to Use Magic Eraser Tool?

  1. Select the Magic Eraser tool.
  2. Do the following in the choices bar:-
    • Go into a Tolerance value to specify the series of colors that can be deleted. A low tolerance gets rid of pixels within a range of color value really just like the pixel you click. A high tolerance extends the series of color that will be erased.
    • Select Anti-aliased to smooth the edges of the area you erase.
    • Select Contiguous to get rid of just pixels contiguous to the one you click, or deselect to remove all comparable pixels in the image.
    • Select sample All Layers to sample the deleted color utilizing combined data from all visible layers.
    • Specify an opacity to specify the toughness of the erasure. An opacity of 100% removes pixels completely. A lower opacity eliminates pixels partially.
  3. Click in the part of the layer you wish to get rid of.

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