Adobe Photoshop Paint Bucket Tool

Adobe Photoshop Paint Bucket Tool

What is Paint Bucket Tool?

The paint bucket tool fills an area of an image based on color similarity. Click anywhere in the picture and the paint bucket will certainly fill an area around the pixel you clicked. In Photoshop CS6, the Paint Bucket tool, available in the Tools panel (where it shares a flyout menu with the Gradient tool), operates much like a mix of the Brush tool and the Magic Wand tool, as you could see by looking into its options.

To use it, select the tool (press Shift+ G until it’s active) and click inside the option you wish to fill. Right here are your choices, all which are on the Options bar:

  • Fill: You can pick whether to fill with the foreground color or a pattern.
  • Pattern: When you choose Pattern on the Options bar, you could choose a pre-programmed pattern, lots patterns from your pattern collections, or create a pattern of your very own.
  • Mode: You could select a fill blending mode, also, although you’ll be better served to establish your blend mode using your Layers panel because of much better editing flexibility.
  • Opacity: Readjust this worth making your fill semitransparent.
  • Tolerance: Like the Magic wand tool, you could choose a Tolerance level (0 to 255) that defines just how similar in color a pixel have to be prior to its picked for paint.
  • Anti-Alias: Select this alternative to assimilate the paint smoothly with the area not filled.
  • Contiguous: When chosen, the paint fills up just pixels that are touching within your option. When deselected, paint fills up all pixels within the Tolerance level that you define within your choice.
  • All Layers: This option applies paint based on the colors in all layers that are within the selection and Tolerance degree you specify.
    Keep in mind: Similar to other Tools that fill, you could protect against the Paint Bucket tool from filling the transparent pixels. Just choose the transparency symbol in the Lock area of the Layers panel.

How to Use Paint Bucket Tool?

To fill foreground color:

  1. In the Toolbox, choose the Paint Bucket Tool.
  2. Click on your picture to fill the area.
  3. Usage Tolerance field to change the tool’s level of sensitivity.
  4. -“contiguous” option limits the tool’s array to surrounding area.
  5. In the Options bar you can additionally pick the blending setting and opacity

To fill with pattern:

  1. In the Options bar, choose Fill mode “Pattern”.
  2. In the Pattern picker, select a pattern sample.
  3. Click on your picture to fill the area.

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